Free Math Courses

Made Easy!

Your personal path to not only understanding, but mastering, math begins here. Select a subject below to access my free math courses and tutorial videos, or scroll down to learn more about my premium courses designed to put you on the fast track to success!
Free Math Courses: Pre-Algebra


Start with the essentials. Understanding how variables work is great prep for learning higher math.
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Free Math Courses: Algebra I

Algebra I

Master the basics. Learning algebra provides the foundation for building your knowledge of all forms of math.
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Free Math Courses: Algebra II

Algebra II

Advance your knowledge. Step up your algebra skills to prepare for college-level math courses.
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Free Math Courses: Geometry


Start thinking like a mathematician. Learn to write proofs and solve multi-step, real-world problems.
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Free Math Courses: Pre-Calculus


Challenge yourself. Learn all about trigonomic functions and take your math education to the next level.
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Free Math Courses: Calculus


Expand your knowledge. Demystify math’s most intimidating subject by building on your foundation.
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Premium Courses

Looking for more formal instruction? In addition to my free math tutorial videos, I offer specialized courses designed to teach math to anyone, including you! Enroll in any of my custom-designed courses on Kanjabi and you’ll become a math whiz in no time.

  • Fun & Engaging Curriculum
  • Step-By-Step Instruction
  • Self-Paced to Fit Your Schedule
  • Quizzes & Exams to Test Your Knowledge

Pre-Calculus Prep

Brush up on the basics with this introductory course that includes a diagnostic test to help you see where you stand as well as practice worksheets and videos to get you up to speed.
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Pre-Calc Exam Cram

Ace your pre-calculus semester exam or final! Get access to quick and fun review videos, strengthen your skills with practice problems, and test your knowledge with sample exams.
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Full Pre-Calc Curriculum

A paid course that includes notes, homework, tests, and quizzes, perfect for the student the needs to learn pre-calculus on their own. homeschool, or wants the extra boost.
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"I just gotta say that your videos are saving me from failing math. my teacher is new and is very smart but doesn't know how to teach to other students. You are the reason for my success 😂 "


"My teacher spent 45 minutes teaching this, couldn't understand. You taught it in less than 4 and made it seem like the easiest thing ever."

-This Is My Name

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This is just what I needed. I'm struggling in 7th grade math, and this helps SO MUCH."


"Thank you for all the help you've given in your vids! Even though i pay attention in class, my teacher tends to go too fast so these are always very helpful!! :)"


"This was straight to the point and very easy to show my daughter. I am also fortunate that you had shown how to convert the answer back to a whole number mixed fraction. Fantastic video and teaching!!"

-Lana Johns

"You are amazingly helpful. I can easily follow along without getting confused or lost. Thank you!"

-Elizabeth Ramirez

"wow, this is so helpful I had been falling behind in my class because I didn't understand anything but now this helped me so much. Thank you!!"
